Climate Launchpad 2022

Go Green!

The world is experiencing a climate crisis and sustainable practices are more important than ever. As businesses, it is crucial that we integrate climate change considerations into our practices, and strive towards achieving sustainability. This is why we joined ClimateLaunchpad, the world's largest green business idea competition, in May 2022.
At ClimateLaunchpad, we attended several virtual boot camps where we gained valuable insights into sustainable practices and how to integrate them into our business idea. Our hard work and dedication paid off when we placed second at the Finland National Finals. But we didn't stop there. We continued to push ourselves and our ideas further, and as a result, we secured third place in the Circular Economy category at the European Regional Finals.
We are proud to represent Finland in the Global Grand Finals, among 16 finalists from around the world. The event was held on October 27, 2022, and we are proud to have had the opportunity to showcase our ideas and compete with other innovative businesses. Our journey with ClimateLaunchpad has been an eye-opening experience. We have learned that it is possible to create profitable businesses while also taking the environment into consideration. By integrating sustainable practices into our business idea, we are not only contributing to the fight against climate change but also creating a more equitable and just society.
We encourage all businesses, big or small, to consider the impact of their practices on the environment and to take steps towards achieving sustainability. It is our collective responsibility to work towards a greener future, and competitions like ClimateLaunchpad provide a platform for us to do just that.
We hope to inspire other businesses to join us in our quest towards achieving sustainability by upcycling spent coffee grounds into value-added bio-products.

Let's work together towards a greener, more sustainable future.


We give new life to spent coffee grounds!


Spent coffee grounds are not just waste!


We have joined the fight against climate change!

Big Plans

We want to expand our operation around the world!